Shinja Martial Arts University





 Shinja Buke Ryu Kenpo

Here is a chance to study what your instructor, Master John Enger, calls a truly “Blended Martial Art” (B.M.A.), in his Shinja Buke Ryu Kenpo program.

The concept of “blending” denotes passing gradually or imperceptibly into each other. Something that goes well together; harmonizing. In his opinion, often times certain martial art techniques just simply don’t blend well together. He has found in his own experience that transitioning from one to the other is far too often difficult and just doesn’t quite harmonize. The chameleon is a very good example of being able to blend into its surroundings.

What you will not find in SHINJA BUKE RYU KENPO is a host of traditional martial arts concepts or requirements to learn endless types of kicks, punches and katas. Your instructor thoroughly believes that one must absolutely master the basics of simple kicks and punches in order to effectually master the advanced self-defense techniques and blend them into an effective and devastating style of combat self defense that will work on the deadly streets of America and abroad. Shinja Buke Ryu Kenpo focuses on the verbal, psychological and the physical techniques to staying alive.


There are some who may say that the techniques of Shinja Buke Ryu Kenpo are “too simplistic” in nature and do not match up to a “traditional kenpo karate black belt program”. THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! That is exactly what your instructor set out to accomplish. This is a self defense system without multiple steps to execute the technique. It is without katas and filming was done without any glitz or glamor. If anyone looking for a system of defense or martial art with multiple steps to stop your attacker, then Shinja Buke Ryu Kenpo won’t meet your needs.

Being physically attacked is not pretty, nor should be defending yourself! Your instructor believes the fewer the steps taken to incapacitate your attacker, the quicker it will end without giving your attacker more time to injure or kill you. The techniques are given no “specific name” as it is quite obvious as what one is defending against.

There is a whole array of self defense systems and martial arts programs in the world. You can learn something from each one of them. If anyone advises you they are the “Supreme Grandmaster” of the only “legitimate self-defense program” or “martial arts combat system” there is, then these individuals are in your instructor’s opinion either arrogant and/or simply ignorant about the truth of what real combat entails. There is no “end all” or “be all” system in the world of self defense or martial arts — and yes, that includes Shinja Buke Ryu Kenpo.

The techniques in the Shinja Buke Ryu Kenpo system work! Your instructor used many of them while in law enforcement, corrections and security.


Starting with an entirely new approach to building the foundation!


In order to earn your first belt in the series (White Belt), Master John Enger will instruct you through his P15-V1 “SURVIVAL COMMUNICATION” – also known as “Shinja Talk” training. Founded upon sound biblical precepts, he believes the missing ingredient to most martial arts programs is the student being unable to first attempt to defend themselves through the use of verbal de-escalation skills. He certainly understands that a physical confrontation sometimes is entirely unavoidable where one is attacked without warning or provocation. However, he also knows through experience as a former law enforcement officer, with over three decades of experience, that many physical encounters begin with “words” (harsh, threatening, foul words!); words that lead to fights with serious injuries and sometimes death. You will learn to use “soft words” according to P15-V1.

To the motivated student, Shinja Buke Ryu Kenpo will consist of earning the following ranks.

Instructed by Grandmaster John Enger

White Belt

Yellow Belt

Green Belt

Purple Belt

Brown Belt

Black Belt - 1st Dan

White through 1st Dan Black Belt ( DVD’s) with FREE testing and FREE Lifetime
Membership in the Shinja Martial Arts University for the low price of


Recommended by a Nationally and Internationally recognized Martial Artist!

“Grandmaster John Enger’s Shinja Buke Ryu Home Study Program is one of the finest self-defense programs that I have had the chance to review. I have had the opportunity to review each of the DVD’s in his curriculum from White to 1st Degree Black Belt and I have to honestly say that the techniques instructed are simple, making them easy to learn and very effective. Personally, I know Grandmaster Enger to be an extremely knowledgeable martial artist and his delivery style is one of a seasoned instructor making everything very easy to understand. I too learned some things from his presentation and if you are serious about desiring to protect your life and want to learn realistic self-defense techniques — skills that can save your life; then I highly recommend Grandmaster Enger’s program to you.”

Grandmaster Quoc L. Tran
Founder & Chief Instructor of Tran’s Combat Martial Arts Academy
Founder of Vietnamese Combat Martial Arts/Wushu

If you are ready to learn realistic defensive tactics that will work on the street then you should seriously consider purchasing this series of DVDs. We do not sell ranks and no rank certifications are issued without testing. If you are looking for an easy way to earn a Black Belt you will not find it here. But if you are serious about learning how to defend yourself and sincerely desire to earn a legitimate Black Belt in Shinja Buke Ryu Kenpo you will be proud to say that you worked hard and have earned that rank.

Again, there is never a charge for testing!

All DVD/CD exams are to be sent to:

John Enger
7109 46th Avenue Circle East
Bradenton, FL 34203

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