Shinja Martial Arts University





Here you will find photos of events involving members and friends of the SMAU

Ordination of GM Quoc L. Tran into the Gospel Ministry by GM John Enger in Orlando, Florida May 28- 2010. Shinja Ministerial Association
and Church Ministry.

GM John Enger inducted into the 2010 Combat Warrior E-Magazine Hall of Fame in Orlando, Florida, May 28 – 2010. Receiving the “WARRIOR SPIRIT AWARD” and the “SILVER LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD” presented by GM Quoc L. Tran.

GM Quoc L. Tran receiving his Certification as a Certified Martial Arts Chaplain with the Shinja Chaplain Corp by GM John Enger in
Orlando, Florida May 28 – 2010.

GM Quoc L. Tran receiving his SMAU Certified Training Center document — Tran’s Combat Martial Arts Academy in Orlando, Florida on May 28 – 2010 in Orlando, Florida by GM John Enger.

GM John Enger and GM Quoc Tran

GM Quoc L. Tran receiving his Certified Biblical Counselor and Life Educator document presented by GM John Enger in Orlando, Florida on May – 28, 2010 from the Shinja Ministerial Association
and Church Ministry.

GM John Enger – COMBAT SURVIVAL MAGAZINE 2010 Summer Edition
“Secrets of the Shinja Buke Ryu –
What It Is And Is Not”

Raven Tactical International
2010 Fall Edition
“Shinja Buke Ryu Kenpo”

GM Ashida Kim and GM John Enger

GM David Harris and GM John Enger

GM Ashida Kim Teaching a Technique

Master Robert Blanton, GM Jay Blanton and
GM John Enger — Brooksville, FL

GM John Enger being introduced to martial art legend – GM Joe Lewis by GM Lawrence Day in
Fort Walton Beach, Florida

Red Bear (Native American Priest) and
GM Ernie Ernie Reynolds (Chief) of the
Intertribal Bear Society – Cherokee Based presenting GM John Enger with his
Native American Name.

GM John Enger awarding Sensei Shane Faircloth his 5th Dan from the European JuJitsu Union

GM John Enger awarding GM David Harris and GM Ashida Kim their “Professorship” from the Shinja Masters and Headmasters Council

Soke Stoffel van Vuuren and GM John Enger

Red Bear and GM John Enger